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ThetaHealing® Group Session – 26 ottobre h. 19.30

Are you ready to
– become the highest, best version of yourself;
– to awaken your intuition;
– transform your unconscious limiting beliefs;
– manifest your deepest desires into reality;
– learn how to connect to the Creator and other Higher Planes of Existence (angels, guides, Higher Self);
– learn how to connect to a theta brain wave, that promotes well-being, calm, creativity, reduces pain and increase your mental abilities?

Join our ThetaHealing Group Session, where you’ll be guided through deep and powerful meditations and energy clearings and learn how to connect to the Creator of All That Is, the Energy of Unconditional Love that Created All.Curious yet? This is how the evening will look like (keep in mind that it’s an organic and intuitive process, so this is only a guideline):

– Introduction and Opening Meditation: what is ThetaHealing and how to use it on your daily life

– What’s alive in you? A chance to share whatever you feel you need to heal or gain awareness

– The issue is never the issue – we’ll dig for the deeper issue that originated the situation you’d like to transform

– Energy clearing – I’ll intuitively guide you through a powerful energy healing meditation to transform your limiting beliefs into empowering ones

When? 01.10 19h-21h
Where? Studio Clematis – Via Lorenzo di Credi, 20, Firenze
How much? Regular fee €25

1st time fee €15 Please RSVP – Whatsapp +39 3483760101

Alessandra Martelini
Master ThetaHealing Practitioner and Instructor

learn more about ThetaHealing events, courses and sessions:

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